Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hot Yoga in Phoenix is HOT!

As a fairly active yogini for the past 6 years, I have become well adapted to the practice of hot vinyasa, prana, & core power yoga. Yoga has become a huge part of my life, serving as a very important source of healing and relaxation emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. So needless to say, when my coworker told me about a studio he has been visiting, I was eager to check it out. To say that I nearly passed out during my first class does not do the experience justice! I lost probably 5 lbs in water weight and could barely drive myself home, like a wet & heavy mop with pruned fingers and toes. I have now completed my 4th session and am feeling much more acclimated to this desert heat.

Last weekend, Pam and I went hiking for my first official outing. Since the previous weekend’s hike was a bit of a failure (mostly due to rain) I decided accountability would help me complete the task of tackling one of Phoenix's better know hikes: Camelback mountain. In all, our 3 mile journey up and down the mountain (plus the 1 mile trek each way to and from the car) took us about 3 hours. It was quite a steep and rocky hike and with Pam setting the pace, my heart was racing. But we beat the crowd and were blessed with excellent weather. These factors, combined with great company, made for one excellent Palm Sunday. One hike closer to conquering Machu Pichu and the Inca Trail!

Tonight I went for a haircut. I recently began to notice some split ends and overgrown bangs as I approached my 6 month mark so when Tiffani offered to introduce me to her hairdresser, I decided it was time to pull out the shears. For those of you who know me well, you will not be surprised to learn that upon arriving, I provided a detailed explanation of how things were going to go down: “I really just want a trim… clean it up a bit… but not too short… shape the bangs… but not too thick… etc.” Thanks to Christy, Tiffani and the hairdresser were warned of my typical emotional reaction to changes in the mirror and I can honestly say when I called my mom on the way home to tell her I didn’t cry & I that I loved my new hairdo, I meant it!

Finally, for some great inspiration, insight and reflection as we prepare for Good Friday and Easter Sunday, here are a few sermons to check out (thanks Jarp!)
- Kairos Atlanta - Palm Sunday Sermon
- Reunion Boston - 66 words series

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