Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A few things that aren't THAT bad about the life change

Well, I spoke too soon when commenting on my impeccable health in the last blog post. The day after I made the move out to SF, I came down with a sinus & double ear infection. I'm not sure if the temporary hosing, 6 hours plane flight, or living out of a suitcase is to blame, but needless to say it was a rough first week. 10 days in, I am now nearly fully recovered and trying to get my bearings.

In an effort to search for the silver lining in this less than comfortable transition, I thought I would highlight a few things that aren't too bad about the new situation I find myself in:

10. Tons of natural light
9. Having my own space to spread out
8. Heated toilet seats at work (mom - you know what I'm talking about..) This may or may not have been one of the big selling points when deciding to take the job at Google initially. You can imagine my disappointment on the first day of work in Boston when I learned this feature was only offered in our Mountain View office...
7. Excellent organic, locally grown, all natural, non-hormone injected, over priced produce :)
6. Boston Reunions! I think nearly 20 people who I worked with previously in the Boston office now live in MTV or the Bay Area
5-3... I'm struggling to come up with 10...
2. Work ski trip in Tahoe!! You really can't argue with a paid trip to ski during the second week on the job. It certainly beats any day in the office!
1. G-d's omnipresence... Although I feel very far from friends and loved ones out here, I find comfort in knowing that the Lord has no geographic limitations and is with me to buffer this transition and guide my search for community, comfort, sense of purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I was waiting for a new update! Always here for you friend!!! Love you stay strong, chin up!!
