Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bacon & Eggs

I have recently come to appreciate the lesson that many a successful Iron Chefs have learned over the years: the magic is in the secret ingredient! Living in a part of town that is primarily corporate housing and which attracts a lot of tourists comes with many conveniences. However, because if its transient audience, it doesn’t offer much to sustain life beyond the corner cafĂ© or overpriced tourist wine shop. Hence, I have not yet encountered a supermercado since arriving in Buenos Aires. Thanks to a weekend crammed packed with downtime, I had the good fortune during my Saturday afternoon stroll of stumbling across a corner store stocked with none other than incredible, edible eggs!

At first thought, this may seem like a less than revolutionary find, however I can assure you that to encounter a protein other the beef is a rarity in this city! This, along with the recent addition of balsamic vinegar, has really rocked my kitchen experience. I gave the ole bacon & eggs my best shot for Sunday night dinner.
My palate encountered another South America rarity last weekend: vegetarian food. I have been CRAVING some quality hummus since arriving in early July and my friend, Mer, introduced me to a vegetarian restaurant in Palermo on Saturday. By vegetarian I think the Argentines really mean “not beef or pork”, since 60% of the dishes on the menu were from the sea. But the food was exceptional, the prices were reasonable, the ambiance was fantastic, and the company was top notch.

Other things my week has included are Indian food (yum!), a trip to China town thanks to my friend Caro for the sole purpose of feeding my Sriracha Sauce craving, finding a way to stream American films on my computer, and some awesome Google+ hangout and video chats with Sonenshine, Spence, Weej, Chris, Mom & Dad, and eve EASE! Keep ‘em coming!

This week is a busy one… after being here for nearly a month, things are getting ramped up with the vendor at work (operation inception is imminent). Additionally, I am moving to a new apartment and my first visitor arrives. :) Let the adventures really begin!


  1. I am guessing that's a cracker with the sirracha but it really looks like a rice crispy treat.

  2. Thanks for keeping us informed of your adventures. Thinking of you
